Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last night...

Okay so I'm not off of my hiatus but I have a few things to say. Last night I was online minding my business and talking to a few people on AIM when I noticed that stupid TweetDeck thing keep chirping or tweeting or whatever the hell you wanna call it. So as I pulled it up so I could close it, I got an eye full of the conversation going on...about me!! Don't you just love when people talk about you while you're not around? I do! It turns me on. But anyway, after skimming through a little bit of it, I was like whatever and just logged out of Twitter for the night. Not because I was "scared" but because I wasn't in the mood for confrontation. it's not my thing. I had a migraine and just needed to go to sleep. So I said my good nights to the people I was talking to on AIM and crashed. Couldn't go to sleep for shit because I had all of these thoughts running through my head. A lot of "What if's" yanno. Like, "What if they stop talking to me?" and whatever.

NOW, time to clear these accusations up. Yes, this is me. Idc how fake you think I am to be honest. Now the photography pics on the other hand, not ALL mine. Key words being NOT ALL. Not in the mood to go all out and give explanations because I have shit to do and really shouldn't be online to begin with. So to everyone who reads my blog...I'm sorry for the deception.

Then I really thought about it. I didn't build relationships with these people through these pictures. And if it comes down to no one on Blogger or Twitter not wanting to talk to me ever again then so be it. Wasn't meant to be, anyway. I know I did wrong and I apologized for it. But I refuse to kiss anyone's ass. It's not what I do. Not really my thing, yanno. Not tryin to be nonchalant about this like it doesn't matter, because it really does. I care about a lot of people on here and would hate to lose friendships over this. But if it happens then so be it. Now, it's back to my hiatus from Blogger and possibly Twitter as well....MAYBE Twitter but I doubt it. I have a lot of shit going on in my personal life that needs to be handled. Has nothing to do with this situation.


Miss.Stefanie said...

Why are you so gorgeous!!!????

Toy said...

let them talk...
you still gonna do you.

Anonymous said...

girl handle you.
don't mind them assholes !!
=) i still love you <3

Anonymous said...

girl handle you.
don't mind them assholes !!
=) i still love you <3

Anonymous said...

girl, just continue with yourself
dont mind them.
eff'em having convos about you on twitter they wanted to get a reaction outta you.
handle yourself. i still love you<3

Ki said...

Maaaan forget em'. I think I know the tweets you're talkin bout but I'm not sure, don't wanna speak on something I don't know about. Anywho, don't sweat it girlie.

PORCHE ` said...

I still love you miss. ANA :)
I don't know the whole story but we go wayyyyyy back on myspace so i know you are 100% so don't even sweat the small shit.

the photography? i didn't understand that part but hey, it's cool. i'll be waiting for you to come back !

Devon said...

yes like porche said dont sweat the small shit let them talk..all that does it let you know your doing your job!!! ill be waiting for you to come back hunn!!!

Rai said...

If people are talking about you, just know that you must be doing your job.

Be glad when you come back to blogging! :]

JuJu said...

mamas you shouldnt have to explain to anyone - let the haters talk; when they stop - that's when you gotta worry!

and smh; im mad you dont have me on your aim!!

add me - juicyb03 ;)

muaaahh!!! xoxo.

Jervis said...

dope pic

Kofi Bofah said...

Don't take Computer World too seriously.