Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sin City & Perfect Balance

Yes. It's another mixtape post lol. This is the last one. Anyway, Sin and the PME fam bam dropped 2 mixtapes that I absolutely love. Sin City and Perfect Balance are no doubt must haves and if you haven't already downloaded them both then you fuckin suck big hairy donkey kong balls. Yeah, I said it. So hop to it. It's as simple as that. PME is doin the damn thing. Hell even moms is quotin from both mixtapes! She's a big music head and she knows her shit. What does that tell you?! I'm actually listening to "Untitled" on the Sin City mixtape. This is one of my favorites. But whatever, go download. Get wit it or get lost! Now scram, kids; you're making me itch.


Ashley Outrageous said...

yayyyy! thanks for shouts loveeee! ;)

Ashley Outrageous said...

yayyyy! thanks for shouts loveeee! ;)

R. Alexandra said...

i've been trying to get this joint for like 2 days ...

i'm getting mad. lol.